

Four Things That Can Ruin Indoor Air Quality at Your Home (Fixes)

Almost every home has at least one room that doesn’t feel right. This is especially true for those living outside Springfield, where the air quality in Springfield is average all year round. Maybe it’s always stuffy, or you can never seem to get the smell of bleach out of your nose. It’s likely that this is because of the air quality in your home. Poor indoor air quality can cause several problems, from respiratory issues to headaches. But what can actually deteriorate indoor air quality at your house? We’ve done some research and found several top factors. Here we’ll show you four things that can ruin indoor air quality and what you can do to fix them.

High Humidity Level

High humidity levels are the most common factor that can cause indoor air quality to drop. If the humidity in your home is too high, it will create an environment for dust mites and mold to breed. This can be especially problematic if you live in a warm climate, as it increases the chances of mold spores spreading throughout your home. To fix this, you can invest in a dehumidifier. This will help keep the humidity at a healthy level and make it difficult for dust mites and mold to thrive.

living room

Poor Ventilation

Did you know that, although your ventilation is commonly overlooked, it plays a significant role in air quality? Poor ventilation is one of the primary causes of indoor air pollution. When you don’t have enough fresh air …
