4 Reasons to Go for a Two Handle Kitchen Faucet

When remodeling your kitchen, considering a two-handle kitchen can be an option to upgrade your kitchen. You will not only learn the advantages, but you will also know the leading brands of double handle faucets.

There can be many factors when choosing the type of a kitchen faucet. When going for a DIY installation, and you do not have much experience in installing faucets, going for a single handle kitchen faucet can be the better option. This is because you only have to bore only one hall so the effort is much less. More single handle faucet brands are also a lot cheaper than double handle faucet brands. But in any case, a two handle kitchen faucet is better because of the following reasons.

Better Water Temperature Control

If you are in a region where there is no extreme changes in temperature all year round, there may be no trouble with a single handle faucet. This is because you may not need to adjust the temperature water very much often. But if you are living in a temperate region, where there is summer and winter, a kitchen faucet should have a better water temperature control.

A two handle kitchen faucet is truly important when you are in an area that experiences very cold and hot weather. But even if you live in a tropical area but is fuzzy about the temperature of water coming from your kitchen faucet, you should go for the two handle kitchen faucet.

Excellent Water Flow Control

While adjusting water temperature, a double handle kitchen will allow increase or decrease of either cold or hot water without altering the other’s flow of water.

Better in Case of Leaks

Leaks may happen anytime, whether you are using single or double kitchen faucet. If you are not used to make DIY solutions, you may be wasting water until a plumber arrives if you are using the single handle faucet. With a double handle faucet, you may only have to turn off the valve of the leaking handle and use the other one.

Outstanding Aesthetic Effect

A double handle faucet is not only efficient but will also give you a more beautiful kitchen. It imparts a classy traditional look to your kitchen. There are more designs to choose from, so you can match it with the kitchen’s architecture.

when on a home improvement project to upgrade your kitchen, choosing a double handle kitchen faucet must be the wiser decision.…